Christian Selig makes the YouTube Vision Pro app that Google wouldn’t

Trending 3 months ago

Google said it isn’t putting retired a YouTube app for Apple’s caller Vision Pro headset, truthful a third-party developer has stepped successful to make 1 instead. Juno is nan activity of Christian Selig, nan developer down nan now defunct Reddit app Apollo. It costs $4.99 and is already available from Apple’s App Store.

Although it’s an unofficial third-party app, Juno supports astir of nan features you’d expect retired of a autochthonal YouTube app. You tin watch videos (obviously), scrub and skip done them utilizing pinch gestures, and it’ll moreover respect nan videos’ facet ratios. Browsing YouTube’s catalog is besides supported (though you can’t spot video comments), and Juno is besides group up to show YouTube ads to debar making Google “grumpy,” Selig writes.

Juno delivers a fully autochthonal visionOS UI that taps into YouTube’s embed API, which is designed to let videos to beryllium embedded successful outer webpages. When you want to browse YouTube’s video catalog, Juno pulls up a tweaked type of nan YouTube website. Apparently, nan app is moreover clever capable to not show ads for YouTube Premium subscribers, though it remains to beryllium seen really Google feels astir a third-party developer being successful power of an app for 1 of its biggest services connected a caller portion of hardware. Selig notes that he didn’t usage immoderate private/internal APIs to create nan app.

YouTube is 1 of a number of precocious floor plan services alongside Spotify and Netflix that isn’t offering a autochthonal app for Apple’s caller $3,499 headset astatine launch. In YouTube’s case, Google’s charismatic consequence has been to constituent users towards playback successful Apple’s Safari browser instead, resulting successful an inferior viewing experience. Apple has offered developers a measurement to make their existing iPad apps to nan Vision Pro (there person been reports that Netflix’s app was accessible this measurement anterior to nan headset’s launch), but awesome developers including Google person opted against repurposing their apps this way. 

“Does it consciousness for illustration a perfectly autochthonal visionOS app?” Selig writes, “Well no, but it’s a heck of a batch nicer than nan website, and to beryllium adjacent Google apps usually do their ain point alternatively than usage iOS strategy UI, truthful not judge we’ll ever afloat spot that.”

Source Technology